
This section describes the configuration of mux-mode.

In mux-mode, a user connected to CAN-P (or USB) can communicate with all CAN-S buses (through the CANmod.router) as if directly connected to each bus.


See Mux-mode use cases for practical use-case examples.

The configuration is separated into the following sections:

Mux-mode configuration checklist

  • Ensure that the bit-rate of CAN-P is set correctly (CAN-P physical).

  • Ensure that the bit-rates of all CAN-S are set correctly (CAN-S1 physical).

  • Ensure that CAN-S filters only receive wanted messages (CAN-S1 filters).

  • Configure one ID for each node communicating with the CANmod.router on CAN-P (CAN-P messages)

  • Configure the event types observed on CAN-S to output on CAN-P (Event filter)

  • Configure the output message the CANmod.router should use on CAN-P (Message)


Ensure that maximum bus loads are not exceeded. Particularly, ensure that the combined load from the four CAN-S does not exceed the capability of the CAN-P bus. Use CAN-S filters and pre-scalers to reduce load on CAN-P. When possible, configure CAN-P to use CAN-FD with high standard and FD bit-rates (e.g. 1 mbps / 4 mbps).