Device file

A Device File (device.json) is located in the root of the device USB DEVICE volume. The content of the Device File is updated each time the device powers on.

Example of device.json file
    "id": "AABBCCDD",
    "fw_ver": "00.01.01",
    "hw_ver": "00.01/00.00",
    "cfg_ver": "00.01",
    "cfg_name": "config-00.01.json",
    "sch_name": "schema-00.01.json",
    "cfg_crc32": "00112233"
  • id: Device unique ID number

  • fw_ver: Firmware version

  • hw_ver: Hardware version

  • cfg_ver: Configuration File version

  • cfg_name: Configuration File name

  • sch_name: Configuration Rule Schema name

  • cfg_crc32: Active configuration file CRC32 (empty if invalid configuration file)