Tips & tricks

Below we’ve collected tips & tricks on data logging based on user experiences:

Reduce your file size

You can typically reduce your file size by applying some of the below:

  1. Filters: Use filters to decide what CAN IDs you wish to record or reject
  2. Prescalers: Only log every Xth entry of the filtered ID
  3. Control signal: Log data only when a configurable CAN ID is broadcasted

Note that the CLX000 supports up to 8 filters - for details, see the CLX000 Docs.

Set a manual bit-rate

The CLX000 is plug & play with auto bit-rate detection. However, it is recommended to use a manual bit rate when possible to reduce boot time and improve performance.

Take care when transmitting data

If you intend to transmit data into the CAN bus, make sure you know what you are doing.

There are two cases to be particularly aware of:

  1. Custom frames: If you transmit custom CAN frames into the CAN bus, make sure you understand the implications to avoid inducing unintended behavior into e.g. a vehicle
  2. Battery drainage: If the device transmits data while a vehicle is off, it may wake the ECUs and cause battery drainage. Use the control signal to control transmissions in this case