This section outlines the installation requirements that shall be satisfied.
The CANmod.gps can be installed stand-alone in 5 V / 12 V / 24 V systems or can be used with the CANedge series of data loggers[1].
The mounting position and orientation of the device can be very important (depending on the configuration) to ensure an accurate output. If the IMU output is used, it is important that the alignment angles are accurately configured. Additionally, if automotive sensor fusion is enabled, it is important that also the lever arms are configured correctly.
If used in an automotive application, the simplest mounting configuration is obtained by placing the device flat in the Vehicle-Reference-Point with the x-axis (see enclosure silkscreen) pointing towards the front of the vehicle and the antenna close to the device. With this position and orientation, the default alignment angles (zero) and lever-arms distances (zero) can be used.
The device can be powered by either Supply (5 V)
(DB9, pin 1), Supply (5-24 V)
(DB9, pin 9) or the USB connector. Make sure to only connect one supply at a time to avoid damaging the device.
Make sure to only connect one power source at a time[2].
Supply quality
The nominal voltage shall be kept within specifications at all times. The device is internally protected against low energy voltage events which can be expected as a result of supply wire noise, ESD and stub-wire inductance.
If the supply line is shared with inductive loads, care should be taken to ensure high energy voltage events do not reach the device. Automotive environments often include several sources of electrical hazards, such as load dumps (disconnection of battery while charging), relay contacts, solenoids, alternators, fuel injectors etc. The internal protection circuitry of the device is not capable of handling high energy voltage events directly from such sources.
ISO 11898-2 tolerates some level of ground offset between nodes. To ensure the offset remains within range, it is recommended to use a single point ground reference for all nodes connected to the CAN-bus. This may require the ground wire to be carried along with data wires.