AWS S3 - manual deployment

When you need to create an AWS S3 bucket and user, we strongly recommend to use our template approach. It is a fast method that results in a consistent deployment without errors.

However, if you wish to perform the steps manually, you can follow the guide below.

  1. Sign up for a free account
  2. Log in and go to ‘Services/S3/Buckets’
  3. Click ‘Create bucket’, add a name and select a nearby region
  4. In your bucket go to ‘Permissions/CORS’ and paste this JSON
  5. Go to ‘Services/IAM/Users’, click ‘Add users’, add a name and click ‘Next’
  6. Select ‘Attach policies directly’, choose ‘AdministratorAccess’, then ‘Next’ and ‘Create user’
  7. In the user, go to ‘Security credentials/Create access key’, select ‘Other’ then ‘Next’
  8. Save your AccessKey, SecretKey
  9. Also note your region (e.g. us-east-1) and endpoint (http://s3.[region]

Example: CANedge3 AWS S3 server configuration

Below are example Configuration File details for an AWS S3 server (editor view and JSON):

|device_name| configuration details AWS S3