Parquet data lake - advanced topics

In this section, we cover some advanced topics for Parquet data lakes.

Process backlog of MDF files

Below we describe how you can add historical MDF log files (that have already been uploaded) to your Parquet data lake.


Optionally, you can periodically delete your Parquet data lake and re-create as below. This will concatenate smaller files, which can improve processing speed[5]

Amazon Parquet data lake

AWS S3 Lambda Parquet Data Lake Backlog Processing
  1. Download below zip to your local disk and unzip it[2]
  2. Add the mdf2parquet_decode.exe (Windows build) and your prefixed DBC files into the folder
  3. Start 1-setup-mc.bat and enter the outputs from your stack[3]
  4. Start 2-download-mdf.bat to download some/all data from your input bucket[4]
  5. Start 3-decode-mdf.bat to decode the data, then review the output in input_out/
  6. Start 4-upload-parquet.bat to upload the data from input_out/ to your output bucket

Backlog processing zip | changelog

Azure Parquet data lake

  1. Download below zip to your local disk and unzip it[2]
  2. Add the mdf2parquet_decode.exe (Windows build) and your prefixed DBC files into the folder
  3. Update the Python script with your connection strings and container names
  4. Run the script to download all your MDF log files, decode them and upload the Parquet files

Backlog processing zip | changelog

Use device specific DBC files

Device specific DBC files in Lambda function

You may have an bucket/container that contains multiple device groups, each of which requires separate DBC files (e.g. different models/types/…). Here you can use the below method[1]:

  1. Download below dbc-groups.json and update it with your device/DBC lists
  2. Upload the JSON file to your input bucket/container root
  3. Verify that your automation now only applies the device specific DBC files

DBC groups JSON

Optimize performance

  1. Filter DBC: Filter unused messages/signals via MessageIgnore / SignalIgnore properties
  2. Create light DBC: For large DBC files, consider removing message/signal descriptions[6]
  3. Use larger MDF splits: Configure your CANedge to split MDF files in e.g. 30-60 min chunks
  4. Reprocess backlog: Periodically re-process your backlog of MDF files to concatenate them

[1]If all device groups have globally unique CAN IDs across all DBC files, you can simply add all the DBC files to the S3 input bucket root. In this case, the MF4 decoder will attempt to use all of them across all devices.
[2](1, 2) The zip includes Windows batch scripts and the Windows MinIO client. For Linux, you can download the MinIO client separately and adjust the batch scripts
[3]Select the CloudFormation stack to display ‘Outputs’ where you will find the credentials/info for your input/output S3 buckets. The relevant S3 credentials have keys 07 and 08.
[4]If your MDF log files are stored locally (e.g. on an SD), you can of course skip this step and simply copy/paste your files manually as described in the local data lake section
[5]MDF files uploaded to the input bucket will be processed one-by-one by the Lambda function, which can result in many small Parquet files if you have frequent MDF splits. In contrast, when you process a backlog of multiple MDF files, the decoder combines files to the extent possible. By deleting the data lake and re-processing your MDF backlog, you can thus optimize performance at the cost of AWS S3 transfer costs.
[6]This will not affect the speed of the data lake, but it can reduce the Lambda execution time, thus reducing costs. It is mainly relevant for large DBC files (for example, our J1939 DBC is provided in a ‘light’ version for this purpose)