Firmware update tips

How to migrate your Configuration File

If you are performing a Firmware PATCH update (e.g. 01.06.01 to 01.06.04), you simply need to add the new firmware.bin file to your SD card root and power cycle the device.

However, if you are performing a MAJOR/MINOR update (e.g. 01.06.04 to 01.07.01), you’ll need to add an updated version of your Configuration File as well (a config-01.07.json instead of a config-01.06.json). The reason for this is that MAJOR/MINOR firmware updates result in changes to the Configuration File structure. If you do not provide the relevant Configuration File when adding the new firmware.bin file, the CANedge will create the necessary Configuration File with default settings instead. See also the CANedge Docs for details.

If you already have a Configuration File with custom settings, you’ll typically want to ‘migrate’ those changes to the new structure. Below we describe methods for doing this using the CANedge software tools.

Migration using the config editor

You can use our simple config editor tool to aid in the migration. To do so, you start by loading your Configuration File from the old firmware you wish to migrate from. Next, you load the Rule Schema for the new firmware (you’ll find this in the firmware release zip file).

The result will be that the editor loads the old Configuration File field values into the structure of the new firmware’s Rule Schema. As a result, there may be a set of warnings that need to be handled, which you can most often do inside the editor directly.

For example, in migrating from 01.06.04 to 01.07.01, a number of warnings will arise. These can, however, quickly be resolved by changing a field, as this ‘maps’ the Configuration File structure to match the new Rule Schema. See below video for illustration:

Once the errors are resolved, you can review your changes and download the new Configuration File. It will now have a structure and name that fits the new firmware and you can add it to your device SD card together with the new firmware.bin file. If part of your Configuration File was affected structurally by changes in the firmware, you may need to add those parts of your Configuration File manually in the new structure before saving it.

Migration using CANcloud or the CANedge batch manager

If your CANedge2 devices are already connected to your S3 server, we recommend to use CANcloud to perform the updates over-the-air. Alternatively, you can use the CANedge over-the-air batch manager, which supports Configuration File migration as part of the built-in functionality. The batch manager is particularly useful if you have multiple connected devices.