
The SD-card filesystem is organized as illustrated by below example[1]:

├─ config-XX.XX.json
├─ uischema-XX.XX.json
├─ schema-XX.XX.json
├─ device.json
├─ meta
│  └── ...
└─ LOG
   └─ [DEVICE_ID]
      ├─ 00000001
      │  ├─ 00000001.MF4
      │  ├─ 00000002.MF4
      │  └─ ...
      ├─ 00000002
      │  ├─ 00000001.MF4
      │  ├─ 00000002.MF4
      │  └─ ...
      └─ ...
  • config-XX.XX.json: Configuration file (device configuration)

  • schema-XX.XX.json: Rule Schema file (configuration rules)

  • uischema-XX.XX.json: UI Schema file (configuration presentation)

  • device.json: Device file (device information)

  • LOG/: Directory containing log files (see Naming for more information)

  • meta/: Temporary folder for setting the internally stored session counter (see Setting session counter for more information)


Default Configuration, Schema, UISchema, and Device files are automatically re-created if deleted by the user.


The device will store the information in the meta folder internally and delete the folder if present during startup

Replacing SD-card

The SD-card is not locked to the device. If the card is replaced (see SD-card hardware requirements), be aware of the following points:

  • If the card is replaced by a card from another CANedge, it is recommended to clear the card

  • The configuration file can optionally be copied to the new card (else a default is automatically created)

Setting session counter


Manually setting the session counter is usually only relevant when the internal battery has been replaced.

To manually set the session counter, create the meta folder in the root of the SD-card. Inside the folder, create a file called meta_log.json with the following template:

   "session": 123

Replace 123 with the desired next session counter value.