python-can API

The python-can module is imported with:

import can

The two main python-can objects are:

  • Bus: Defines a CAN-bus interface[1]

  • Message: Defines a CAN-bus message (containing timestamp, ID, data, and more)[2]

Detect interfaces

The python-can package supports auto-detection of available interfaces.

Detect interface on Windows
>>> can.detect_available_configs("csscan_serial")
[{'interface': 'csscan_serial', 'channel': 'COM19'}]
Detect interface on Linux
>>> can.detect_available_configs("csscan_serial")
[{'interface': 'csscan_serial', 'channel': '/dev/ttyACM0'}]

Auto-detection can be used to automatically find and open a bus.

import can

# Detect busses
configs = can.detect_available_configs("csscan_serial")
assert len(configs) == 1

# Open bus
with can.Bus(interface=configs[0]["interface"], channel=configs[0]["channel"]) as bus:

Receive messages

The most basic way of receiving messages is demonstrated below.

import can

# Open bus
with can.Bus(interface="csscan_serial", channel="<CHANNEL>") as bus:

    # Receive messages
    for msg in bus:

The python-can notifier can be used for more advanced use-cases. Below demonstrates how to use the existing python-can Printer and Logger together with a custom Listener.

import can
from time import sleep

class CustomListener(can.Listener):
    def on_message_received(self, msg: can.Message) -> None:
        # Some custom handling of received messages

# Open bus
with can.Bus(interface="csscan_serial", channel="<CHANNEL>") as bus:

    # Printer (prints formatted messages to screen)
    print_listener = can.Printer()

    # Logger (logs formatted messages to file)
    log_listener = can.Logger("out.log")

    # Custom listener (invokes listener call-back when message received)
    custom_listener = CustomListener()

    # Create notifier with printer, logger, and custom listeners
    notifier = can.Notifier(bus, listeners=[print_listener, log_listener, custom_listener])

For more information, see

Transmit messages

The most basic way of transmitting messages is demonstrated below.

import can

# Open bus
with can.Bus(interface="csscan_serial", channel="<CHANNEL>") as bus:

    # Transmit message
    bus.send(can.Message(arbitration_id=0x123, is_extended_id=False, data=[0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67]))

Periodic transmit messages can be configured using the python-can broadcast-manager, see

Replay messages

Logged messages can be replayed to any interface supported by python-can (e.g. csscan_serial) as demonstrated below.

import can

# Open bus
with can.Bus(interface="csscan_serial", channel="<CHANNEL>") as bus:

    # Open log file
    with can.LogReader("<LOG_FILE_PATH>") as reader:

        # Read messages using MessageSync to maintain original scheduling
        for msg in can.MessageSync(reader):

            # Replay message