# Change Log All notable changes to CLX000 firmware will be documented in this file. Note that changes listed in the "Unreleased" section have not yet been released. ## [Unreleased] - ## [5.85] - 2021-05-31 ### Added - Support for tranmission of CAN-bus messages via the USB interface - Note: CLX000 devices with HW revision < 8.XX are not compatible with this FW ## [5.84] - 2020-12-22 ### Added - Support for hardware revision 8.1X ## [5.83] - 2020-02-24 ### Fixed - Creation of empty files when SD-card almost full fixed ## [5.82] - 2020-02-19 ### Changed - Re-enters bus after timeout in case of busoff - Retries write to SD-card in case of card errors ### Removed - Lost field (optional) in log file removed ## [5.81] - 2020-01-28 ### Fixed - CL3000 SD-card stability ## [5.79] - 2019-04-26 ### Fixed - Cyclic logging stability improvement ## [5.78] - 2019-03-14 ### Changed - Minor internal change used in production only ## [5.77] - 2018-10-16 ### Fixed - Missing "space-left" in heartbeat signal fixed ## [5.76] - 2018-09-25 ### Added - Support for hardware revision 7.10 and 7.20 ## [5.75] - 2018-08-03 ### Changed - Improved burst message log performance ## [5.74] - 2018-15-06 ### Added - CL3000: Internal support for WiFi controller firmware version 4.00.03 ### Changed - CL3000: WiFi controller firmware version added to log file header ## [5.71] - 2018-23-05 ### Fixed - Compatibility issue with 6.xx hardware ## [5.70] - 2018-16-04 ### Added - Time based log file split feature - Added cyclic logging data limit feature ### Changed - "fileSplitLimit" configuration field changed to "fileSplitSize" - Changed number of virtual channels from 4 to 8 - Changed the number of downsample IDs for each virtual channel from 25 to 10 - Minor change to green LED behaviour - Log file header device type names changed to CL1000, CL2000 and CL3000 ## [5.61] - 2018-03-22 ### Added - CL3000, RTC auto-sync - Improved FTP push long-term stability ### Changed - Default file split size changed to 20 MB (from 100 MB) ## [5.60] - 2018-02-01 ### Added - Possibility to hide WiFi, http access and FTP passwords in configuration file ### Changed - Configuration file revision 13 - Logger ID string max length changed to 15 chars (from 10) - FTP password max length changed to 24 chars (from 32) - Minor changes to CL3000 web page text ## [5.51] - 2017-12-10 ### Fixed - Improved FTP upload stability ## [5.50] - 2017-11-19 ### Added - CL3000 web interface improved - Webinterface force-split-log-file-now button added - Webinterface allows user to delete log files on device - Experimental: Automatic push of log files to remote server using FTP ## [5.40] - 2017-08-27 ### Added - Support for CL3000 functionality ## [5.33] - 2017-08-11 ### Fixed - Logger sometimes not booting properly when connected to a bus with high load ## [5.32] - 2017-06-30 ### Changed - Improved serial interface speed ## [5.31] - 2017-05-08 ### Changed - Card size scan during boot now indicated by red LED on - Device will no longer change state to logging mode when MSD is disconnected ### Fixed - Faster shutdown when USB or DSUB connector disconnects ## [5.30] - 2017-04-19 ### Added - Transmit messages support (up to 20 configurable transmit messages) - Improved serial interface to bus monitoring from PC - Layered serial interface protocol inspired by HDLC - Unique sequential file name numbering, across power cycles - Unique log session numbering in header, across power cycles - Introduction of file split number in header - Full log file header added to all split log files - Cyclic logging setting added to header - Two new message types added, transmit msg standard (7) and transmit msg extended (8) - Hardware revision added to header ### Changed - New log file name format, LOG0001.txt -> 0000001.txt - Config field "fileMaxSize" changed name to "fileSplitLimit" - Log file message type field name changed from "S(0)/E(1)" to "Type" - "Device.txt" file no longer created by logger. Information moved to log file header - Bytes in data log field no longer separated by the value separator, e.g. 01;02;03 -> 010203 - Line entry line break changed from carriage return + line feed to just line feed ### Removed - Log field "sequence number" removed - Possibility to write ID and data as decimal values removed (now always in hex) ### Fixed - Improved power loss detection ## [5.20] - 2016-12-03 ### Added - Added PCB version 6.00 support. ## [5.13] - 2016-09-03 ### Fixed - The milisecond counter can sometimes count to 1000 instead of max 999 ## [5.12] - 2016-08-06 ### Fixed - Bug which sometimes collapsed the logfile to 0kB. ## [5.11] - 2016-07-31 ### Changed - The message timestamp is no longer relative to the time in log file header, but now absolute. - The timestamp on hardware without RTC capabilities start from 20000101T000000000 ### Added - More log file header information. Now contains timestamp formatting, logger ID and more. - Timestamp formatting settings added to configuration. Allows customizable timestamp detail level and separators. - Logger ID added to configuration. The logger ID will be added to the log file header such that log files from different loggers can be distinguished. ## [5.10] - 2016-05-28 ### Fixed - Bug which sometimes had the device not properly mount as mass storage device - Bug which could result in the configuration file not be properly parser (lines with long comments) ### Added - Possibility to select base of data in log file (decimal or hexadecimal) - Possibility to select more delimiters to be used in the log file - Possibility to set default logging state to enabled / disabled in configuration - Introduction of heartbeat signal with logging enable / disable state, the device time and remaining space available - Improved SD-card read/write performance - Control message implemented, which can be used to change the logging state between enable and disable - New LED indication introduced. Used when memory card could not be properly initialised. ### Changed - Message type field (standard/extended) changed from characters S/E to numbers 0/1 to simplify import of data ## [5.00] - 2016-03-12 ### Added - Support for real-time-clock on CL2000 hardware - Wall-time timestamp added to log file header if real time clock is available - Wall-time timestamp added to CAN-bus monitoring using USB serial connection - Wall-time timestamp added to log file file-information - Default CONFIG.INI extended with RTC section used to configure the time ## [4.13] - 2016-02-24 ### Added - Support for PCB version 5. ## [4.12] - 2016-01-03 ### Fixed - A bug which sometimes had the device reject the configuration file fixed. ## [4.11] - 2016-01-01 ### Added - Down-sampling functionality - When CAN-bus bit-rate auto-detection is enabled, the detected bit-rate is written to the log file header. ### Changed - Configuration revision changed to 6 - Down sampling prescaler added to configuration file ## [4.10] - 2015-11-06 ### Added - Support of cyclic data logging mode - oldest log file is removed when file system is full. ### Changed - Configuration file to support configuration of cyclic data logging mode - Configuration revision changed to 5 ## [4.01] - 2015-10-05 ### Fixed - Now correctly detects hardware revision 4 - Typos in configuration file (valueSeperator -> valueSeparator, dataLenght -> dataLength ) ## [4.00] - 2015-08-12 ### Added - Configuration to allow time stamps on messages (1 ms resolution) ### Changed - The firmware revision number format has been changed from X.Y.Z to X.YY - The green LED now flashes in USB MSD mode to indicate that the device is in this mode. - The file size limit has been relaxed to be an approximate limit to improve write performance. - The USB MSD device description has been updated. - Log file header is written only to the first log file in a sequence (first log file after device power on) ### Fixed - Improved shutdown strategy to better secure that every message is successfully committed to the SD-card. ### Removed - The CLI has been removed and replaced with a device info file stored on the SD-card. - The "to terminal" configuration has been removed. Now the messages which are written to the log are also printed to the terminal ## [3.2.1] - 2015-07-12 ### Fixed - A problem with the file system on the SD-card sometimes broke when the device was mounted as a mass storage device on Windows.