Initial setup

Grafana lets you easily build custom dashboards to display data from various data sources. One of the most popular data sources is InfluxDB, an open source time series database.

Below we show how to setup 100% free versions of Grafana Cloud and InfluxDB Cloud.


You can also choose to self-host InfluxDB/Grafana on your own dedicated or local server[1]

Set up InfluxDB account and get credentials

  1. Create an InfluxDB Cloud starter account (100% free)
  2. Login and create a new bucket (Load Data/Buckets)
  3. Create (and store) API token (Load Data/API Tokens)
  4. Find your Organization ID (the part of your browser URL just after /orgs/)
  5. Get your account’s endpoint url (the part of your browser URL before /orgs/)
InfluxDB URL endpoint

Note down your InfluxDB details above as you will need them shortly.


bucket: test-bucket-new-2
token: DJ-BGrLSBn2SnacES7w9NHrfEMmWOweyL0WO3BjXxZQBOwV8Sw-N9u4jwhnEN5Dp8lZug4OEv5hu7Fsxn1QuRA==
Organization ID: 4beac94c078aa987