Create plots

Once you’ve converted your raw MDF4 data, you can start analysing it - e.g. via plots.

Enable sub windows

  1. Go to Settings/ and enable ‘Sub-windows’ and ‘Link sub-windows X-axis’

Plot parameters (drag & drop)

  1. From Channels, drag & drop a parameter into the gray area to plot it
  2. Optionally click the ‘window’ icon to minimize the plot and add new signals
  3. Press ‘Shift + H’ to tile the sub-plots horizontally (see Plot/ for more options)

Plot GPS position

  1. Click the ‘Create window’ icon below the channel list
  2. Select GPS and click Apply (latitude/longitude signals are typically auto-loaded)
  3. Optionally minimize the plot to add other signals in a time-synced grid

Create stack plot

To quickly get an overview of multiple series, you can click ‘S’ to stack the plots.

Display statistics tab

You can click ‘M’ to display statistical info regarding your signals.

Add to common Y-axis

You can optionally add multiple signals to a common Y-axis.

Save/load customized display views

You can create a multi-panel view of your data (e.g. for a specific analysis) and save the display file. This file can then later be loaded when you have another file open (e.g. from another time period) to quickly show the same analysis on the new data. To save/load a plot view, click ‘File/Save configuration’ / ‘File/Open configuration’.

General plot tips

  • Right click the plot to export it
  • Click the Plot menu at the top for more options
  • Keyboard shortcuts can be used for fast plot navigation
  • Under “Plot/Insert computation” you can create custom calculated charts
  • Show absolute date & time in the plot via Settings/Plot X axis
  • Click the color box next to a parameter to change the plot color
  • In ‘Settings/Step mode’ you can select the step mode
  • Click ‘.’ to display plot dots to better distinguish actual observations