Downloads - CANvas

Logger firmware compatibility

Select a version of CANvas which is compatible with the firmware version running on the logger

The compatibility is given by the CANvas download name as explained below.

The shipped logger firmware version is given in "FIRMWARE_VERSION.TXT" stored on the logger.

CANvas download naming

The CANvas downloads are named as follows:


Example: is compatible with firmware versions v1.10, v1.11, ... v1.19.

List of files (newest version in blue):

# Change Log

All notable changes to CANvas will be documented in this file.
Note that changes listed in the "Unreleased" section have not yet been released.

## [3.6.6] - 2020-03-17

### Changed
- Improved the Wireshark live stream guidance text

## [3.6.5] - 2020-01-30

### Changed
- Added support for Firmware 5.8x

## [3.6.4] - 2018-12-19

### Changed
- Added correct timestamp for conversion to other formats (asc, trc) for Vector/PEAK compatibility

## [3.6.3] - 2018-08-10

### Changed
- Minor bug fixes

## [3.6.2] - 2018-07-12

### Changed
- Added all Mode 01 "Supported OBD2 PID" request messages to transmit list, to ease validation of available parameters
- Added conversion support for all Mode 01 "Supported OBD2 PID", to translate the data to easily see what parameters are available

### Fixed
- RTC epoch time reset bug present on some systems

## [3.6.1] - 2018-05-22

### Changed
- Improved filter setting algorithm with 8 channels

### Fixed
- Various bugs

## [3.6.0] - 2018-04-24

### Added
- Support for firmware 5.6x and 5.7x

### Fixed
- Various bugs

## [3.5.3] - 2018-04-15

### Changed
- Text and tooltips

## [3.5.2] - 2018-04-08

### Fixed
- Allow installing of wirePlugin when plugins not already present
- Various bugs

## [3.5.1] - 2018-03-25
### Fixed
- Memory usage and speed optimized.
- Various bugs

## [3.5.0] - 2018-03-05

### Added
- Option to split timestamp into separate columns when converting log files
- Option to concatenate output to existing converted file
- Option to exclude header columns when converting files

### Changed
- Always set conversion timestamp to full format

### Fixed
- Out of memory issues when converting large amount of data
- Various minor bugs

## [3.4.3] - 2018-02-15

### Fixed
- Loading OBD transmit sometimes causes access violation
- Long FTP directory causes crash

### Changed
- Improved method for reporting unhandled exceptions

## [3.4.2] - 2018-01-27

### Added
- FTP and WiFi test buttons
- Link to website Guides
- Always save configration settings file (config.xml) with config.ini file
- Check if firmware on logger matches with CANvas verison if a logger is connected to the PC

### Fixed
- LogFile to Canalyzer format always returning 8 bytes, now returning bytes present
- Loading config.xml configuration file not always working.
- Various minor bugs

### Changed
- Merge Export and Save buttons for config.ini file and config.xml file
- Default load and save directory for config file set to logger if connected to the PC
- LogFile to Canalyzer format changed to always return 2 digit bytes

## {3.4.1] - 2017-12-10

### Added
- Support for firmware 5.5x
- Download files from ftp server for auto-conversion.
- Upload auto-converted files to ftp server

### Fixed
- Saved Id's not loading
- Various minor bugs.

## [3.4.0] - 2017-11-19

### Added
- Support for firmware 5.50
- Auto conversion that monitors a folder and convert files
- Second Msg allowed in conversion rule for OBD2 support
- Prespecified conversion databases included (OBD2, FMS Truck and Bus)
- Prespecified list of OBD2 Transmit messages in logger configuration

### Fixed
- Various minor bugs

## [3.3.4] - 2017-10-22

### Changed
- Conversion xml file layout changed when saving database settings

## [3.3.3] - 2017-10-19

### Fixed
- Library embedded in executable

## [3.3.2] - 2017-09-29

### Added
- Conversion file preview window

### Changed
- Dynamic file splitting working on output lines and not input lines

### Fixed
- File header time format during file conversion when keeping log file settings
- Conversion progress bar not always updating correctly
- Converting with scaled values not including all lines.

## [3.3.1] - 2017-09-14

### Added
- Option to change timestamp format and separators during log file conversion

### Changed
- Downsampling maximum frequency increased

### Fixed
- Bug in bit-rate selection
- Various tooltips and shortcuts
- Dynamic file splitting not spliiting as intended
- Live stream status not updating correctly

## [3.3.0] - 2017-09-03

### Added
- Support for the CL3000
- Support for firmware 5.40
- Additional output options when converting log files e.g. merge log files and add statistics
- LoggerID added to input file selection overview

### Changed
- Font changed to Comfortaa
- Support link destination and text

### Fixed
- Various minor bugs

## [3.2.2] - 2017-08-12

### Added
- Support for Firmware 5.33

## [3.2.1] - 2017-07-01

### Fixed
- Selection of all input files not enabling conversion tab

## [3.2.0] - 2017-06-30

### Added
- Support for Firmware 5.32
- Support for .dbc files in convertion tool

### Fixed
- Performance of live stream

## [3.1.1 beta] - 2017-06-05

### Fixed
- Data convertion with firmware 5.31 not always returning data.

## [3.1.0 beta] - 2017-05-15

### Added
- Support for Firmware 5.31
- Live stream of CAN traffic by piping data to Wireshark or Wireshark Legacy.

## [3.0.0] - 2017-04-29

### Added
- Support for Firmware 5.30
- Transmit list with messages to be sent by the logger.

### Removed
- Optional sequence number in log file

### Fixed
- Invalid input in entry designer not validated when applying changes

## [2.9] - 2016-12-27

### Changed
- Improved activity log in error report

### Fixed
- Down-sampling with datatype Single always returning zero
- Scenario with both little and big endian and only standard or extended ID conversion rules not returning all messages
- Delete-row button not disabling when loading empty database

## [2.8] - 2016-12-22

### Added
- Check user .NET version on application startup

### Changed
- Include screenshot of application in error report

### Fixed
- Conversion tool not requirering dll's at runtime

## [2.7] - 2016-12-09

### Added
- Support for firmware 5.20
- Inclusion of terms and conditions first time program is used
- Use last used read and write paths as initial paths for new read and writes

### Changed
- Handling of global errors - send bug reports if connection can be established over port 587, given user accept

### Fixed
- Delete-column button not enabling correctly when loading database file with conversion rules
- Output file column header not using log-file delimiter when additional columns included in output

## [2.6] - 2016-11-19

### Fixed
- Some IDs not returned when using little endian and CAN message has less than 8 data bytes
- Tooltip title not always changing as intended

## [2.5] - 2016-11-17

### Fixed
- Signed Integer calculation (positive numbers not represented correctly). Method used is Two's complement

## [2.4] - 2016-11-12

### Added
- Support for different data types when converting data (bool, signed int, single, double, string)

### Changed
- Updated unhandled error reporting

## [2.3] - 2016-09-20

### Added
- Live preview of log file output
- Tooltips to "ID ranges" datagridview
- Manage unhandled errors

## [2.2] - 2016-09-12

### Added
- Allow space in input file path

### Changed
- Updated tooltips, messages, checkbox text, and tab titles

### Fixed
- LoggerID was not loaded when opening an .xml with settings
- Edit mode preview did not display correctly if buttons
were double clicked
- Tabs were not displayed corretly if conversion rule
was enabled with double click

## [2.1] - 2016-09-03

### Changed
- Added support for CLX000 firmware 5.13

Download changelog